Make Passive Income With Amazon!

Start Earning Now

You Can Earn Thousands Of Dollars From AMAZON without any hassle!

In this master class, I reveal how i got to making $30k a month ( video proof below ) by building small amazon niche websites.

Get Started Now


Over 810+ Reviews

Watch The Video Below To SEE How You Can Make $2K A Day With Amazon Websites.

I Am Ready To Learn

  • Easy To Follow The entire course will get you from knowing nothing about amazon sites to getting them ready!
  • Priced right After all, I am about to share my secrets and shortcuts that is making me $30k a month without spending a dime!
  • Everything You Need We will provide you with everything you need in order to make money with amazon sites.
  • Results Proven because i have used same method to build more sites for me and my clients day in and out

If you can use Facebook, You Can Do This!

What are your excuses to not starting?

  • I don’t know enough about amazon
  • I don’t know if i can do this
  • I don’t have enough time to start a business.
  • It won’t work for me.
  • I don’t have any skills to make money online
  • Online business is too confusing
  • It’s too late to get started

STOP, These are ALL Stupid Excuses!

You do realize, I am letting you in on my secret of how i am making $30k a month WITH A SATISHFACTION Money Back Guarantee?

The fact that you have some doubts is actually a good reason to start because, I am letting you see if you are built to make $30k+ a month and  if you are not,  you will simply get your money back.

That’s RIGHT.     Whatever excuse you have today…  this is too expensive, this is not for me… bla bla.  I don’t care…

I am pretty much handing you the blueprint of how i make more of these websites every week and start making recurring automatic money without spending a penny on ads or anything.   I will show you how to do that…    but you have TRUST me and my process..

Like i said,  This is a NO RISK OFFER.    You DO NOT MAKE the shots you don’t take!  I am letting you take a RISK FREE SHOT.

The WORST scenario is that it doesn’t workout but you walkout with $30k per month skills…..AND get your money back.   

                              Do you see any risk here?  None!

💰 My Private Clients Are Making A Bank! 💰

Don’t Believe The News??

Here Is What Our Private Clients Are Saying:

( I charged these people almost $5k-$10k PER website)

Alin Makes $11k A Month

Alin is making $11,000 per month and started 2 months ago

Alin M.

48 Years Old

I paid satish $5,000 to setup my amazon sites and within 60 days, I was making around $3,500 then i had him build another one.   Satish is the OG of marketing and making easy money! 

Hi, I’m Satish Gaire, the KING of making money online and CEO of

“I love to make easy money”

I started making money from this Amazon website a 2 years ago. I am currently making over $1-2k every single day.(About $30k a month)

This is really easy and I spend less than 4 hours a week running this business.  These days, I don’t even do anything except blow it all on my wife and side chicks.  ( Cross the side chicks part )

This is NOT FOR EVERYONE ( Read below)

See here is the thing:

Many people will read this page, get hyped up then don’t  consider themselves worthy enough to invest in themselves, but.. there will be few ( MAYBE YOU? ) who will take the leap of faith knowing that you got SATISH GAIRE holding you hands to take you to the promised land and if things don’t go as planned,  you can always get your fee back.       

In simple words:  If you buy this and didn’t think it was worth the money,  or you can’t do it.   Just let us know at and we will give you your entire money back.   You got nothing to lose here…

In the MasterClass, you’ll learn…

AmazonSites 101

Picking Niches

Getting Site Ready

0$ Organic Traffic


AmazonDisplay Ads $

EZ LinkBuilding



Click Here If You Want To Be Like Alin

Why You Should Buy This MasterClass?

Here’s the thing: our course is amazing, that’s obvious. But there are many online courses teaching people how to sell things online.

Why would you choose us over others?

  • Did you see the proof? Has any other “course seller” shown you their account’s video like i did? No. I am the REAL DEAL!
  • You get Everything You Need We are not only going to show you how to build these amazon sites but give you EVERYTHING YOU NEED.
  • Discount Price YES! The price will be $997 on the day it releases, this is discount because its a PRE-SALE.
  • No questions asked 30 days Money Back Guarantee. You have FULL 30 DAYS from the day you receive your access to try our system and see if it’s right for you.

This is a NO RISK OFFER.


w Here’s What You Will Receive

AMZProfits Masterclass

  • 22 Interactive Modules
  • Action Modules
  • Easy To Follow Steps
  • FREE Future Updates

$9,977 Value – INCLUDED In AmazonProfitSites!

CROCMS: Build Unlimited Profit Sites

  • Build Unlimited Sites
  • No Installation
  • Use Your Own Domains
  • Built In 5 Themes ( More On Way)

$199 Per Month Value – INCLUDED In AmazonProfitSites!

Unlimited Support

  • Unlimited Email Support
  • Once a month webinar
  • New Updates Are FREE
  • Phone Support Available

$2,000 Value – INCLUDED In AmazonProfitSites!

⭐️ Pre-Sale 50% Discount ⭐️


but $697 if you buy now.

No Monthly Fees


ONLY $497


This is a limited pre-sale offer


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why is Price $997?

It took me years of trial and error to figure this out.  I am giving you everything you need + all the shortcuts to start making money with amazon sites. 

2. Will i receive everything i need?

Yes.  We will provide step by step video master class,  a proven amazon sites system.    You just need to put about 30 minutes a day.

3. Is there any upsells?

No,  There are no upsells.   This purchase includes everything you need to get started and become profitable with Amazon Sites.

4. What if i don’t like the Masterclass?

No problem.    You have 30 days to try the product out,  if for any reason, you think this is not right for you.  You can have full $ back.

5. Will this work outside US?

Yes.   It works in ALL countries.    You can become affiliate of Amazon from ANY COUNTRY.   You are good!

6. What if it doesn’t work for me?

If you at least attempt it and show us that you tried to build the site and if it still doesn’t work, we will send you a refund.